The Meaning of MTM

First, let me assure you that I do not have a new tattoo. I just needed a reminder today, so I wrote these letters on my wrist with a marker (that will certainly be washed off by the end of the day). 

Life can easily be simple and yet still seem overwhelming. Today is just one of those days for me. 

Even though I intentionally only focus on three main essentials at a time, it can still feel overwhelming. Especially since one of my essentials right now happens to be training for my first (and perhaps my last) triathlon. 

Directly after work tonight, I have a Pilates Reformer class and then I need to do a quick change into my swimsuit and drive across town to get to my tri swim prep class to work on my swim stroke.

Sometimes, I feel like I could get my strength training solely from carrying so much stuff around (my gazillion wardrobe changes, water bottle, various shoes, towels, workout accessories & equipment, etc.) 

It takes some careful thought in the morning to make sure to cover it all. Today I have TWO gym bags with me. I also need to think about how to refuel, in a healthy way, in between and also to remember to enjoy the journey along the way. It all matters.

I will probably arrive home just before bedtime tonight.

So what does MTM mean any way?

It means, Manage the Moment

It helps me to remember to focus on just this moment, enjoy every second; to remain present.  Not to worry about obstacle that might pop up along the way. 

Manage the that seems easy...because it is. 

I would love to hear what you do to remind yourself to stay in the moment. Comment below or send an email to me. I respond to every single one.

Love, Brenda

PS - Did you hear...Kelly Thompson and I have created a mini-retreat just for women? You can check it out and register here. This mini-retreat is for you if you need some self-care or if you want to show yourself some love and connect with other women in a very meaningful way. 

Be Well. Be Intentional. Create a life you love.