Soulful Life Excerpt #1 - Things that are hard
Today, I happened to get a glimpse of Ross Gay reading an excerpt from his book, The Book of Delights (I will add the link at the end of this post - it is worth the watch). After watching it, I was inspired to start my own little streak with my own bit of flair - here in my blog.
You see, I have often wanted to blog on the regular, but I am one who might be described as, easily inspired (frankly) a thousand times a day, but not at all disciplined to put a lot of work into making something out of it. Well, I was recently reminded of that when I did a Kolbe assessment of my conative style. That basically means that if I want to get anything done, I must seize the moment that the idea or inspiration surfaces and make something out of it. There is no time to wait or debate for me.
So here I am, seizing the moment in real time!
The reason that I will be (somewhat) disciplined (let’s be honest), is because some of these posts will be rather short and sweet. Especially since I only plan to explain all of the backstory, once. So let’s get to it already.
Today, what I wanted to share was something that came up during one of my trainings. The directive came up to make a list of things from my past that I thought were going to be hard and that I didn’t think I could accomplish…but did.
I didn’t have much time to make the list but here are a few of the things:
Having a wisdom tooth extracted while being knocked out (this happened as an adult and was the one and only time that I have been knocked out in my life - I was terrified)
Flying over and over (I used to be deathly afraid to fly, and then I read a great book called, The fear of flying and - boom - buh, bye fear)
Quitting smoking and then running a block and then running a 5k, then running a 10k, then running a half-marathon, then completing an Iron Girl and then coaching others to run (quitting smoking was one of the hardest things I have done in my life, so glad I did, will never look back)
Asking for what I want and what I need (this is part of living in integrity and at times it can be very difficult)
Leaving an unhappy marriage with two small children in tow
Ziplining (Ah, the exhilaration, I was NOT disappointed)
Being in the spotlight (retreats, workshops, coaching in groups - luckily, not only do I have the tools, but I also personally have some great coaches and have literally coached the fear right out of me)
So here are my questions to you, Dearheart:
What are some things that you have done that were hard that you didn’t think you could do, but then you did?
What does your soul still long to do that you haven’t started simply because it feels, too hard?
Need help? Chat with me for free - no strings, no sales pitch.
Be Well. Much love, Brenda
PS - Here’s that link to the Ross Gay book excerpt.